March 18th, 2025

REALITY CHECK: Nova Scotians want changes to Houston’s overreaching laws

HALIFAX – Nova Scotians have spoken up and are overwhelmingly against the undemocratic policies being pushed by the Houston government.

During a Public Bills Committee meeting Monday, experts and citizens voiced their alarm over Houston’s reckless legislation, fearing for the future of the environment, government transparency, and democracy and advocating for changes before these laws go any further.

On the government’s omnibus Bill 1, people are concerned about Houston’s attempts to restrict Freedom of Information requests and fire public servants without cause:

“These amendments, if passed, risk creating a less fair, less transparent, and ultimately, less democratic Nova Scotia.” - Sandra Mullen, NSGEU
“Do you trust public servants to tell hard truths to elected officials when they fear for their jobs?” - Lily Sangster, citizen
“I find this whole process to be undemocratic and regressive. Premier Houston did not mention any of the bills that are being amended in his recent campaign, and only introduced them after winning a supermajority.” - Susan Pirie, citizen

“Nova Scotians have spoken loud and clear: they don’t want these changes, and they didn’t vote for them,” said NSNDP Leader Claudia Chender. “The Houston government may have walked back their attempts to fire the Auditor General, but there are many more problems with this legislation and New Democrats will propose changes to fix them.”
