Our COVID-19 Recovery

Imagine a province where prosperity is shared by everyone. Imagine what you could do if you didn’t have to spend so much energy on the basics. We can have a province where no one has to choose between going to work sick or putting food on the table. Where every senior has a room of their own. Where our energy comes from our own renewable resources. Where people can stay connected with affordable cell phones and internet service.

We can do things differently so that the wealth we all produce can provide access to health care, a place to live, and opportunities for everyone.

COVID-19 Recovery Overview

The NDP Caucus is focused on ensuring that our economic recovery from COVID-19 improves the lives of everyone in our province:
  • Nova Scotia's recovery from COVID-19 must lighten the load for people.
  • To recover from COVID-19, we will need to strengthen our local communities, including increasing our capacity to rely on food, energy, and, goods and services, that are produced here at home.
  • Investments in public services, including long-term care, housing, and child care must be a key component of our recovery.
  • The cost of our COVID-19 recovery needs to be shared by government, businesses, banks, and the super-wealthy.
  • Our recovery from COVID-19 must tackle the climate emergency.

Recovery News: