July 23rd, 2024

NSNDP statement on Tim Houston’s absence from Pride Parade

HALIFAX – NSNDP leader Claudia Chender made the following statement Tuesday, July 23:

“Over the weekend, NSNDP caucus, staff, and volunteers were honoured to take part in the Halifax Pride Parade. It was a beautiful celebration of love, support, and advocacy for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, and an opportunity to stand in solidarity with a community that is facing increasing hate and discrimination.
It was disappointing that Premier Tim Houston and his staff did not participate, and we are concerned about his reasoning. The Premier’s office told the media that the RCMP warned him not to attend. If there were security concerns, why did his office reach out to the RCMP and not the other way around? Why were other political parties and the public not warned? And what prevented the PC party from attending the Halifax Pride flag-raising event at Province House, or at least making a social media post or statement Saturday in solidarity with the Pride movement?
Tim Houston’s decision to skip the Pride Parade raises serious questions. In a world where 2SLGBTQIA+ people face violence and hate for merely existing, the Premier could have still attended the parade while taking the appropriate precautions to ensure the safety of himself and others. Now, more than ever, political leaders need to have a message of unity and support for all Nova Scotians.”
