July 9th, 2024

NSNDP calls for at-home HPV testing for cervical cancer prevention

HALIFAX – The NSNDP is calling on the Houston government to make HPV self-screening programs available to Nova Scotians to help prevent cervical cancer.

HPV is the leading cause of cervical cancer, and this year British Columbia began offering an at-home screening program to make it faster and easier to detect the virus. Patients can order screening kits online or over the phone and can test themselves at home instead of getting a standard Pap test.

“Self-screening tests like the ones available in B.C. could help Nova Scotians detect cancer earlier, eliminate the challenges of booking and making it to a Pap appointment, and reduce the burden on our health care system by freeing up valuable physicians’ time,” said NSNDP Health Spokesperson Susan Leblanc. “Early detection is key for better outcomes. When so many Nova Scotians are unattached to primary care, the Houston government must do everything it can to detect and treat cancer early.”

PEI was the first province in Canada to move to HPV tests last year and is now piloting an HPV self-screening program. New Brunswick is also transitioning to HPV testing and eventually self-screening.

Nova Scotia’s current cervical cancer screening program recommends Pap tests every three years. HPV tests are more accurate than Pap tests and can be done less frequently.

“Having an at-home HPV test will increase access to care and remove barriers for people who can’t take time off work, live in remote communities, lack access to primary care, or have a history of trauma,” said Halifax Citadel-Sable Island MLA Lisa Lachance. “Nova Scotia needs to follow the lead of B.C. and other provinces and move forward with implementing an at-home testing program.”

The standing committee on health meets today from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. today to discuss cancer screening programs in Nova Scotia.
