March 30th, 2023

NDP Leader Claudia Chender on the final report of the Mass Casualty Commission

HALIFAX– NDP Leader Claudia Chender made the following statement following the release of the final report of the Mass Casualty Commission:

“Today, as the Mass Casualty Commission releases its final report and recommendations from the public inquiry, my first thoughts are with the families, communities, and all Nova Scotians who have mourned the deaths of the 22 Nova Scotians killed.
As called for in the report, it’s time to re-think policing in Nova Scotia and establish a more collaborative model to ensure community safety. It’s time to take gender-based violence and intimate partner violence more seriously, and it’s time to develop a clear focus on social development that addresses violence prevention and early intervention and provides the support and funding for support services to act as full partners in community safety.
The final report of the Commission isn’t the end of our reckoning with the events of April 18 and 19, 2020 but it is an important end to this chapter from which we will, together, move forward.
As we take the time to read and digest the recommendations of this report, we honour the memory of all those killed, and will work every day to prevent future actions of violence, and build stronger, safer communities for everyone.”
