January 3rd, 2018

Statement by NDP Leader on CEO salaries

HALIFAX – NDP Leader Gary Burrill made the following statement in response to the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives’ new study on escalating CEO compensation:

“When the top 100 CEOs in Canada have made more money by 10:57 am on January 2 than most Nova Scotian workers will make this year, something is seriously wrong with our economy.

Income inequality in Nova Scotia is growing. The evidence shows that more and more people are struggling to make ends meet.

Things don’t have to be this way. We can have a Nova Scotia where everyone has a fair chance at a living wage. We can have a Nova Scotia where people are not forced to use food banks. To get there we need to make investments in our people’s health, education, skills and incomes. Increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour would be a good first step.”

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